Website for Banks

In today’s modern world, websites are playing a crucial  role across every  sector, facilitating smoother business operations and enhancing customer satisfaction through online services , especially in the highly competitive banking sector. It can be used for your bank’s SEO to enhance online visibility and attract potential customers.Our websites are very user friendly and that allows you to manage the website without technical expertise.

Our website is designed to be fully responsive, ensuring optimal performance and user experience on mobile devices and tablets etc.While we prioritize user-friendliness, we never compromise on security features. Our websites are built with robust security measures to safeguard our customers’ sensitive information, ensuring a safe and seamless online experience.

Overview of our system

Before diving into each task, get a quick overview of what’s happening with our software and workflow.
Menu Management System
  • Add Menu
  • Edit Menu
  • Delete Menu
Staff Management System
  • Add or Edit Staff
  • Assign Staff Designation
  • See Staff Contact Information
News Management System


  • Edit News
  • Add / Delete News
  • Scrolling News
Social Media Management System
  • Whatsapp chat 
  • Twitter
  • Facebook 
  • Instagram
Banner & Content Management
  • Add / Delete News 
  •  Edit Content and Image
Gallery Management System
  • Uploading photos
  • Edit Photos
Enquiry Management System
  • Convert enquiry to chitty,loan etc
  • Add , Edit and delete Enquiry
Document Management System
  • Application form download
  • Application form upload
Service Management System
  • Edit, Add, Delete services
  • Manage services 
Popup Management System
  • Upload Popup
  • Delete Popup

Ouick email send system


SMS and E-mail notification

Download all enquirys and booking as excel


Set custom reminders

Pending payment reminders

Assing work to employees

Calender - track enquiry, booking and reminders

Payment history

Backup all data

Schedule works



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